
The GIMEMA Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing medical research and promoting excellence in healthcare. Its governance structure and associated bodies ensure that the foundation operates effectively and transparently, while adhering to its core values and objectives. 

Governance Structure 

The governance structure of the GIMEMA Foundation consists of the following key bodies:

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the primary governing body of the Fondazione GIMEMA and is responsible for overseeing the foundation’s strategic approach, financial management, and operational activities. Comprised of haematology specialists, the board is primarily concerned with upholding the foundation’s mission and values.   

Scientific Advisory Committee 

The Scientific Advisory Committee is responsible for guiding the foundation’s research priorities, ensuring that its activities align with current scientific knowledge and contribute to advancements in medical research. The committee is made up of the Working Party Chairpersons and Co-Chairpersons of the GIMEMA Centres along with  researchers with expertise in specific fields. 

They review and evaluate research proposals, provide guidance on study design, and monitor the progress of ongoing projects. 

Board of auditors

The Board of Auditors oversees the foundation’s financial activities and ensures  compliance with relevant laws and regulations. The Board of Auditors is made up  of independent external auditors appointed by the foundation’s institutional bodies.. 

The Board of Auditors conducts regular audits on the foundation’s financial statements and operations, reporting its findings to the foundation’s Board of Directors. The auditors also monitor the foundation’s internal control systems and risk management processes to ensure that they are effective and meet the foundation’s needs. 

The Fondazione GIMEMA’s governance structure is designed to ensure transparency, accountability, and the highest standards in  medical research. Through the collaborative efforts of its various bodies, the foundation is well-positioned to make significant contributions to the advancement of healthcare and the improvement of patient outcomes.